Monday, November 9, 2015

The Second Time Around

Thirty-eight years ago, Kim and I were blessed with our first child, Katie.  Her birth was the beginning of an adventure that brought two more kids (Jim, and Carrie). Bearing children was an honor, but it is also a sacrifice. Honestly, the greatest sacrifice was Kim’s, since she is the one who went through the pregnancies. Though there were changes, and sacrifices we were honored to give our firstborn life.

Thirty-eight years have passed, and now we are faced with a new sacrifice and the honor of giving our daughter life all over again. Katie’s kidneys have been totally destroyed by disease (a disease which seems to have manifested itself when she was pregnant with her own daughter). Now on Peritoneal dialysis, Katie needs a new kidney, and I have been found to be a very good match.

In December, I will undergo surgery to give my right kidney to my daughter. They are taking the right one because my left one has already been moved around in a previous surgery, leaving it encased in scar tissue. A new kidney will allow Katie to continue to live a full life as Daughter, Wife, Mother, Special Education Teacher, and Friend. This gift will, in essence, will be our chance to give her life for a second time. The big difference this time is that our sacrifice of love will have the greatest affect on me.

The other day, after I had officially been named her donor, I found myself humming a familiar tune. How it ended up in my head, I don’t know, but I was humming it nonetheless. The tune was, The Second Time Around.

Love is lovelier
The second time around
Just as wonderful
With both feet on the ground

While the song was written about love found, lost, then found again, I recognize it as the honor of giving Katie life the second time around. To me, the sacrifice is just as wonderful the second time around. I am going into this surgery with both feet on the ground having full knowledge of the changes, and risks. It is just an honor to have the ability to give my daughter life for the second time.

If you could give your child life a second time, would you do it? If so, then you understand why I feel so honored to be able to make this commitment. Living Kidney Donor programs are changing the face of kidney disease. I urge you to research the possibilities of giving a life-changing organ to someone in need.

Here is one link:

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