Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When Relief is not up to Me

There are certain things that I can do for myself. Whenever possible, I accomplish those things. I need to keep moving, and I enjoy feeling productive whenever possible. There is, however, one thing that I cannot do: Motivate Insurance Companies.

A month ago, I was recommended for a neurostimulator implant to quiet the nerve impulses in my spine. This should be the final touch in solving what has been a life long problem. Since that time, the insurance company sent one letter out saying that they had received the request, and made it clear that they might or might not pay for it. What?

I continue to struggle, and they can't decide? And besides, who is that person, or group of people that can't seem to decide on my future? I cannot simply be frustrated with the insurance company. At best, there is only one person in the entire system who even knows about the request. I am just a form, in a file, in a basket, with a bunch of other files, on the corner of a desk somewhere. The employee comes in, goes to lunch, and goes home at the end of the day. Lunch and a couple of trips to the water cooler each day, a quick look at Facebook, a few emails, and a meeting fills this person's day, but my file sits neatly in the basket for some other time.

What I have learned through the years is that pain does not breed patience. Just the opposite is more true. Pain can push even the most patient person over the edge. Of course, that part is not in the file. It is my problem. Just another thing to handle while I wait for other people to decide if I will find relief or continue down this all too familiar road of pain.

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