Monday, July 18, 2011

Find Your Source Of Strength

Google the word disability and you will find lots of pictures of wheelchairs, crutches, and handicapped-parking signs. I was looking for the Handicapped parking sign for the last post. But, as I scanned the assortment of photo’s and graphics, I ran across one image that stood out as unique. This picture of a girl in prayer was titled, “Conditions which may qualify as a disability.”

I have been praying all of my life, and it has never proven to be a disability but a strength that gives the ability to face weakness. Finding a source outside of oneself is not a sign of weakness. At the very least it is a way of exploring every potential source of help. And who knows you may find an amazing source of strength. When doctors have done everything they know to do, they tell families, “All we can do now is pray.” Apparently they don’t see prayer as a disability.

Every culture has a belief in some kind of deity. Even cultures that have attempted to legislate religion out of existence have a powerful remnant of people who seek God. Cultures have tried to beat religion out of people. Wars have been waged over whether or not there is a god. It would seem that a subject that has captivated the minds of those in favor of God, as well as those who are against God must have something to it.

While I have a firm belief in God, I am not writing this post to tell you that you must believe what I believe. I am just saying that prayer will never qualify as a disability, and you should explore whether you can find help by praying. I could not begin to imagine what it would be like to live with my disability without it.

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